Below is a list of conferences, and workshops I am/was involved with as an organizer, co-organizer, or a program committee member.
Upcoming Events
- The 3rd International Conference on Federated Learning Technologies and Applications (FLTA 2025), Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 14-17, 2025
- ICML 2025, Vancouver, Canada, July 13-19, 2025
- ICLR 2025, Singapore, April 24-28, 2025
Past Events
- NeurIPS 2024, Vancouver, Canada, December 10-15, 2024
- ICML 2024, Vienna, Austria, July 21-27, 2024
- ISMP 2024, Montreal, Canada, July 21-26, 2024
- Co-organizer of the stream "1f: Random Methods for Continuous Optimization" (with Lin Xiao and Simon Lacoste-Julien)
- ICLR 2024, Vienna, Austria, May 7-11, 2024
- NeurIPS 2023, New Orleans, USA, December 10-16, 2023
- ICML 2023, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 23-29, 2023
- ICLR 2023, Kigali, Rwanda, May 1-5, 2023,
- Rising Stars in AI Symposium, KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, February 19-21, 2023
- NeurIPS 2022, New Orleans, USA, November 26 - December 4, 2022
- MobiCom'22 FedEdge Workshop (ACM Workshop on Data Privacy and
Federated Learning Technologies for Mobile Edge Network - Research Track), Sydney, Australia, October 24, 2022
- ICML 2022, Physical Conference, July 17-23, 2022
- ICLR 2022, Virtual Meeting, April 25-29, 2022
- Rising Stars in AI Symposium, KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, March 13-15, 2022
- NeurIPS 2021, Virtual, December 6-14, 2021
- ICML 2021, Virtual, July 18-24, 2021
- OP20: SIAM Conference on Optimization, postponed until 2021
- Scientific Committee Member. Jointly responsible for the invitation of plenary and tutorial speakers.
- RSEML 2021: Towards Robust, Secure and Efficient Machine Learning, AAAI 2021 Workshop, February 2-9, 2021
- IJCAI 2021, Montreal, Canada, 2021
- Senior Program Committee Member
- ICLR 2021, Vienna, Austria, May 4-8, 2021
- NeurIPS 2020, Virtual, December 5-12, 2020
- IJCAI 2020: International Workshop on Federated Learning for User Privacy and Data Confidentiality, Yokohama, Japan, July 13, 2020
- IJCAI-PRICAI 2020, Yokohama, Japan, July 11-17, 2020
- Senior Program Committee Member
- ICML 2020: International Workshop on Federated Learning for User Privacy and Data Confidentiality, Virtual, July 17-18, 2020
- ICML 2020, Virtual, July 12-18, 2020
- NeurIPS 2019, Montreal, Canada, December 8-14, 2019
- KAUST-Tsinghua-Industry workshop on AI, KAUST, November 23-26, 2019
- IJCAI 2019, Macao, China, August 10-16, 2019
- Senior Program Committee Member
- ICML 2019, Long Beach, California, June 9-15, 2019
- Sparse Approximation and Sampling, The Alan Turing Institute, London, May-June 2019
- This is a joint workshop of the Isaac Newton Institute
and The Alan Turing
- This is one of three workshops which are part of a 6
month programme on "Approximation, sampling and
compression in high dimensional problems" held at the
Isaac Newton Institute during January - June 2019.
- Workshop organizers: Robert Calderbank (Duke, USA), Anders Hansen (Cambridge, UK),
Richtarik (KAUST, KSA - University of Edinburgh, UK
- The Alan Turing Institute, UK), Miguel
Rodrigues (UCL, UK).
- Scientific Advisory Committee: Robert Calderbank (Duke, USA), Emmanuel
Candes (Stanford, USA), Ronald
DeVore (Texas A&M, USA), Ingrid Daubechies (Duke, USA), Arieh Iserles (Cambridge, UK)
- AISTATS 2019, Okinawa, Japan, April 16-18, 2019
- NeurIPS 2018, Montreal, Canada, December 2-8, 2018
- ICML 2018, Stockholm, Sweden, July 10-15, 2018
- ISMP 2018, Bordeaux, France, July 1-6, 2018
I am co-organizing the stream 4.a Learning: Machine Learning, Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Huge-Scale Optimization.
Stream organizers: Alexandre d’Aspremont, Olivier Beaumont, Peter Richtarik, Suvrit Sra.
- If you want to a propose a session within this stream, get in touch.
- ICLR 2018, Vancouver, Canada, April 30 - May 3, 2018
- Optimization and Big Data
2018 , KAUST,
Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, February 5-8, 2018.
- AAAI 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 2-7, 2018
- NeurIPS 2017, Long Beach, California, December 4-9, 2017
- NeurIPS 2016, Barcelona, Spain, February 2-7, 2016
- GlobalSIP 2016, Symposium on Distributed Information Processing, Optimization, and Resource Management over Networks; IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, Greater Washington, D.C., USA, Barcelona, Spain, December 7-9, 2016
Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization, Birmingham, United Kingdom, September 7-9, 2016
- I am co-organizing 2 mini-symposia.
- ICML 2016, New York City, New York, June 19-24, 2016
- International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data, Rome, Italy, April 23-25, 2016
- Mathematical Perspectives on Big Data, Edinburgh, Scotland, December 10-11,
- This is a joint meeting of the London Mathematical Society and the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, marking the end of the 150th anniversary celebrations of LMS.
- Theoretical and Computational Approaches to Large Scale Inverse Problems, Alan Turing Institute Scoping Workshop, Edinburgh,
Scotland, December 2-4, 2015
- Distributed Machine Learning and Optimization, Alan Turing
Institute Scoping Workshop, Edinburgh, Scotland, November 25-27, 2015
- OR 2015,
Vienna, September 1-4, 2015
- I am putting together one invited session in the
Continuous Optimization stream. Speakers and talk titles:
- Alexander Gasnikov (Moscow): Addaptive sum
randomization technique in network-applications
- Myself (Edinburgh): SDNA: Stochastic Dual Newton Ascent
for empirical risk minimization
- Dominik Csiba (Edinburgh): Stochastic Dual Coordinate
Ascent with Adaptive Probabilities
- 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP), Pittsburgh, July 12-17, 2015
- I am putting together two invited sessions. The
speakers and talk titles are:
- Volkan Cevher (EPFL): Constrained convex minimization
via model-based excessive gap
- Jakub Konecny (Edinburgh): Distributed optimization
with arbitrary local solvers
- Zheng Qu (Edinburgh): Randomized dual coordinate ascent
with arbitrary sampling
- Audrey Repetti (University of Paris-Est): Convergence
analysis of block-coordinate primal-dual algorithms with
arbitrary random sampling
- P.R. (Edinburgh): Stochastic dual Newton ascent for
empirical risk minimization
- Lin Xiao (Microsft): Communication-efficient
distributed optimization of self-concordant empirical loss
- 13th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 8-10, 2015
- Programme Committee Member
- Plenary Speakers: Sven Leyffer (Argonne), Lieven Vandenberghe (UCLA), Serge Gratton (CERFACS)
ICML 2015, Lille,
France, July 6-11, 2015
AISTATS 2015, San Diego,
California, May 9-12, 2015
- Optimization and Big Data 2015, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 6-8, 2015
- Keynote speaker: Arkadi
Nemirovski (Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Following the success of two previous workshops which I
established in 2012 and organized in 2012 and 2013,
this is the third workshop in the series.
- International BASP Frontiers Workshop 2015,
Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland, January 25-30, 2015
- Workshop: Numerical Algorithms and Intelligent Software, Edinburgh, Scotland, December 5, 2014
- I am co-organizing this event with James Maddison.
Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization,
Birmingham, September 3-5, 2014
- I am co-organizing two minisymposia at this event:
- 1. First-Order Methods and Big Data Optimization
(with Z. Qu and J. Konecny)
- Speakers: Coralia Cartis (Oxford), Quoc Tran Dinh
(Lausanne), Francois Glineur (Louvain), Jakub Konecny
(Edinburgh), Martin Jaggi (ETH Zurich), Simon
Lacoste-Julien (INRIA / Ecole Normale Superieure), Zheng
Qu (Edinburgh), Peter Richtarik (Edinburgh).
- 2. Optimisation and Decomposition for Image
Processing and Related Topics (with T. Valkonen and C.
- Speakers: Olivier Fercoq (Edinburgh), Maria Hanel
(University of Bayreuth), Andreas Hauptmann (University of
Helsinki / AJAT Ltd), Andreas Langer (University of Graz),
Thomas Pock (Technical University of Graz), Tuomo Valkonen
(Escuela Politcnica Nacional de Quito).
- SIAM Conference on Optimization, San Diego, California, May
19-22, 2014
- Lin Xiao (Microsoft), Zhaosong Lu (SFU) and myself are
organizing a symposium (consisting of 6 minisymposia) on
Coordinate Descent Methods.
- Here is the detailed programme
- Speakers: Amir Beck (Technion), Joseph Bradley
(Berkeley), Alexandra Chouldechova (Stanford), Cong D. Dang (Florida), Miro Dudik
(Microsoft), Olivier
Fercoq (Edinburgh), Yin Tat-Lee (MIT), Chih-Jen Lin
(NTU), Zhaosong Lu (SFU), Tom Luo
(Minnesota), Yurii Nesterov (Louvain), Andrei Patrascu (Bucharest),
Peter Richtarik (Edinburgh), Taiji
Suzuki (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Martin Takac (Edinburgh),
Rachael Tappenden (Edinburgh), Xiaocheng Tang (Lehigh), Ambuj
Tewari (Michigan), Ji Liu
(Wisconsin-Madison), Lin Xiao (Microsoft), Tong Zhang
(Rutgers), Zaikun
Zhang (Coimbra)
- 4th
International Conference on Continuous Optimization,
Lisbon, Portugal, July 27-August 1, 2013
- I am organizing the "Convex and nonsmooth optimization" cluster (with F. Glineur).
- Optimization and Big Data, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 1-3, 2013
- I am the organizer of this workshop.
- Speakers: Shai
Shalev-Shwartz (Jerusalem), Anatoli Juditsky (Joseph Fourier University), myself
(Edinburgh), Imre Polik
(SAS), Olivier
Fercoq (Edinburgh), Zaid
Harchaoui (INRIA), Richard
Samworth (Cambridge), Steve
Wright (Wisconsin-Madison; keynote speaker), Martin Takac (Edinburgh), Martin Jaggi (Ecole Polytechnique), Jacek Gondzio (Edinburgh), Robert Freund (MIT), Des Higham (Strathclyde)
- INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, October
14-17, 2012
- I organized the session "Gradient methods for
large-scale optimization" (programme)
- Speakers: Peter Richtarik (Edinburgh), Oliver Devolder
(Louvain), Martin Takac (Edinburgh), Guanghui Lan
- 3rd IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation,
Birmingham, September 10–12, 2012
- I organized the minisymposium ''Gradient methods
for large-scale optimization'' (programme)
- Speakers: Raphael Hauser (Oxford), Guillaume Obozinski
(INRIA/ENS), Peter Richtarik (Edinburgh), Michel Baes (ETH Zurich),
Martin Takac (Edinburgh), Vinh Xuan Doan (Warwick),
Rachael Tappenden (Edinburgh), Carola-Bibiane Schoenlieb
- 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP),
Berlin, Germany, August 19–24, 2012
- I organized a session on "Coordinate descent
- Speakers: P.R. (Edinburgh), Martin Takac (Edinburgh),
Rachael Tappenden (Edinburgh)
- Advances in Large-Scale Optimization, Edinburgh, Scotland, May
24–25, 2012
- I conceived and organized this workshop.
- Speakers: Yurii Nesterov (Louvain; keynote speaker),
Mark Schmidt (INRIA), Peter Richtarik (Edinburgh),
Alexandre D'Aspremont (Ecole Polytechnique), Jacek Gondzio
(Edinburgh), Michal Kocvara (Birmingham), Coralia Cartis
(Edinburgh), Nati Srebro (TTI Chicago)
- 24th
Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, Glasgow, Scotland, June
28–July 1, 2011
- I have organized 2 minisymposia at this conference:
- Minisymposium 1:"Optimization and Applications".
Speakers: Olivier Devolder (Louvain-la-Neuve), Martin
Takac (Edinburgh), Michal Kocvara (Birmingham)
- Minisymposium 2: "Compressed Sensing: algorithms and theory".
Speakers: Jeffrey Blanchard (Grinnell), P.R. (Edinburgh),
Martin Lotz (Edinburgh), Andrew Thompson (Edinburgh)